Safe Ministry Ordinances

The place of Safe Ministry in the life and culture of Sydney Anglican churches and organisations is set out in various Ordinances passed by our Synod and/or Standing Committee over the last two decades.
The following is a list of the key Ordinances that help shape how Safe Ministry works in our churches/organisations. The Safe Ministy To Children Ordinance 2020 now combines all key Safe Ministry matters into one Ordinance, and should be your first point of reference.
This ordinance replaces the Safe Ministry to Children Ordinance 2018 AND the Safe Ministry parts of the Parish Administration Ordinance, and the Safe Ministry Ordinance 2005. It also contains information pertaining to the Safe Ministry Assessment and the Safe Ministry Check.
It is an all-in-one-place document for almost everything Safe Ministry related in Sydney Diocese.
Updated May 2020, October 2022 and August 2023
This Ordinance no longer contains any Safe Ministry-specific information. Please see the Safe Ministry To Children Ordinance 2020
This is an Ordinance that set out an initial response to the General Synod Safe Ministry to Children Canon 2017.
It seeks to place on hold a detailed response and implementation of the Canon until such time as Standing Committee worked out that response. This is expected sometime in 2019.
General Synod -Safe Ministry to Children Canon 2017 Adopting Ordinance 2017
The Ministry Standards Ordinance 2017 (consolidated) sets out how the Diocese manages complaints against church workers. Updated in 2022, it is included here for reference purposes.
Included here for historical reference only, this Ordinance sets out many of the Safe Ministry processes that form the basis of how we operate now.
For current information please see the Safe Ministry To Children Ordinance 2020
The Ordinance that established the Safe Ministry Board – the body that oversees much of the work of the ODSM. Updated in July 2023