Resource Links

External Links to resources
Useful links to other Safe ministry-related resources on the web.
Please note that we cannot take responsibility for broken links, or changed content on any of these sites (but please report any to us).
This is a not for profit resource offering contact information on a wide range of resources in your area, including domestic abuse, housing, food, finances, general health, legal advise and much more.
Reportable Conduct Scheme in NSW.
A video from the Office of the Children’s Guardian that steps you through the NSW Reportable Conduct Scheme.
Mandatory Reporting in NSW.
There can be some confusion in talking about ‘mandatory reporting’ and the ‘Reportable Conduct Scheme’ in NSW as they are two different things. This article helps set out what ‘mandatory reporting’ means in the different states and territories
1800 Respect
Support a friend or family member experiencing domestic violence or sexual assault.
1800 Respect & Women with disabilities Australia – ‘Sunny’ App
Women with disability have improved access to violence information and support with this smartphone app. Available for Android and iOS devices.
A comprehensive web site offering information and resources on a wide range of issues.
Coercive Control
A resource provided by the NSW Government, this page helps you recognize the signs and effects of coercive control, and provides assistance for individuals facing it in New South Wales.
See more information on the Domestic Abuse page
Transcript of the National Apology to Victims and Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse
Read transcript
Key messages from the National Apology
Read key messages
Guidance on how to encourage protective behaviours in our children (and ourselves). The views and opinions expressed in these resources are those of the external organisations stated and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney.
Defend Young Minds – a U.S. site that focus’s on teaching children protective behaviour against pornography. – The website of the Archibishop’s Antipornography Taskforce. Lots of excellent resources
The NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian
A guide to the Child Safe Standards – A guide from the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian that outlines the 10 Child Safe Standards recommended by the Royal Commission
Child Safe Code of Conduct – A guide from the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian regarding the development of child safe Codes of Conduct
Child safe reporting poster – older children – A customisable poster from the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian providing reporting information to older children
Child safe reporting poster – young children – A customisable poster from the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian providing reporting information to young children
Empowerment and Participation – A guide from the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian for organisations working with children and young people on empowerment and participation
Engaging sensitively with survivors or abuse – A resource to help faith-based organisations to engage with survivors sensitively
Reporting Obligations and Processes – A guide from the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian outlining reporting in child-related organisations
Risk Management part 1 Responding to risk – A guide from the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian that outlines risk management in child-related organisations
Risk Management part 2 Identifying risk – A guide from the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian that outlines risk identification in child-related organisations
Understanding and Developing a Child Safe Policy – A handbook from the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian for developing policies in child-related organisations
eSafety Commission
eSafety Early Years booklet – a guide from the Australian Government eSafety Commissioner on online safety for under 5-year-olds
National Office for Child Safety
Guide for Children and Young People – A guide from the Australian Government helping children and young people to understand child sexual abuse
The National Redress Scheme provides acknowledgement and support to people who experienced institutional child sexual abuse.
It was created in response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, which estimated that 60,000 people experienced institutional child sexual abuse in Australia.